This Giving Tuesday, Million Voices is praying for people of faith who will stand in the GAP with us — to GIVE, ACT, & PRAY! With less than four months until the first 2022 primary, NOW is the time to fully engage with our voices, our actions, and our finances. Would you prayerfully consider helping us reach more faith voters in 2022 and ask God for guidance as you contemplate giving?
Every dollar ($1) you give allows us to distribute 10 more voters guides in 2022.
Every ten dollars ($10) funds our ability to identify and mobilize a disengaged voter, increasing the likelihood that the individual will vote by 75%!
We believe every voice of faith matters, making each dollar important as we strive to be a megaphone for you and other believers across the nation. Will you stand in the GAP with us?
With gratitude,
John Graves, CEO